Lower Body Lift

Offered at our convenient location in Hamburg

Lower Body Lift Dr. Dalia Tobbia

A lower body lift is an effective way to contour multiple areas of the abdomen and lower body that are susceptible to sagging skin (ptosis) and wrinkles with aging. With a lower body lift, you can enjoy tighter skin on the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks to help you achieve a slender, smoother figure. Although diet and exercise can help you build muscle and stay in shape, if dramatic weight changes cause your skin to stretch, droopy pockets of tissue can be difficult to reduce without surgical intervention. Although nonsurgical skin tightening procedures can help with mild skin sagging, they are often not enough to correct severely droopy tissue.

Dr. Dalia Tobbia has decades of experience transforming patients’ lives with customizable treatments that sculpt your body, support healthy metabolic function, and help you maintain an athletic, sculpted physique. If you have excess droopy skin from aging, you do not have to live with it.

Contact our office at +49 40 46 091 076 to learn more about how you can improve your figure with our body sculpting treatments.

About Lower Body Lifts

Your skin is one of your largest organs, and when it becomes stretched by weight change or pregnancy, it is not always able to bounce back on its own. Sun exposure, hormonal changes, and metabolic function can also affect the rate at which your skin ages, leading to droopiness and wrinkles. (1) When your collagen levels decline, the lack of protein in your skin can affect your entire body. With a lower body lift, Dr. Tobbia can remove excess tissue with discrete incisions that provide a natural-looking result. In 2023, surgeons performed over 10,000 lower body lift surgeries to help patients meet their goals. (2)

Lower Body Lift After Massive Weight Loss

Droopy skin on your legs, abdomen, and intimate areas is also common after weight loss. If you recently lost weight and have pockets of fat and droopy skin, Dr. Tobbia can combine the lower body lift procedure with liposuction to rebalance your proportions.

Lower Body Lift Benefits

The commitment to your weight loss journey is difficult enough without needing to worry about droopy skin affecting the figure that you worked so hard for. With a lower body lift, Dr. Tobbia can help you fall back in love with your natural figure and she can customize the procedure to emphasize your curves. After a lower body lift, you can enjoy:

  • Improved Body Contours: The overall shape of your lower body will be more defined and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Enhanced Confidence: Eliminating sagging skin and unwanted fat can significantly boost self-esteem and body image.
  • Reduced Discomfort: Extra skin can lead to irritation and rashes; a lower body lift alleviates such issues.
  • Better Fit in Clothing: Many individuals notice that clothing fits better and are able to wear styles they previously avoided.
  • Enhanced Skin Firmness: The procedure tightens the skin, creating a youthful appearance.
  • Minimized Stretch Marks: As part of skin removal, stretch marks can also be reduced and less visible.
  • Long-lasting Results: Provided you maintain a stable weight, results can last many years.
  • Sculpted Aesthetic Appeal: Each procedure carefully shapes and sculpts the targeted areas for an appealing silhouette.

Lower Body Lift Candidates

Suitable candidates for a lower body lift have loose, droopy skin that they would like to reduce in the lower body. If you are a nonsmoker who takes good care of your body and would like to improve your proportions by removing excess skin on the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks you are likely a good candidate for the procedure. You will, however, need to have realistic expectations about what Dr. Tobbia can accomplish with the procedure.


Lower Body Lift Dr. Dalia Tobbia

During your consultation, Dr. Tobbia will ask about your lifestyle, medications, and medical history. She can review your expectations to create a treatment plan for your desired look. Please come prepared to discuss your history of weight loss, if applicable, and whether or not you can maintain a stable weight. Dr. Tobbia will also ask about your aesthetic goals. Please bring photos of the look you would like to achieve if you have them. If you have additional body goals, she can also recommend other treatments.


A lower body lift can take 3-5 hours, depending on the severity of your droopy skin. To prepare for a lower body lift, you will need to:

  • Stop taking blood thinners
  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Refrain from smoking
  • Arrange for time off work
  • Ask someone to pick you up after your procedure
  • Create a comfortable environment to recover at home
  • Run errands ahead of time
  • Prepare your meals ahead of time

You will also need to schedule the procedure at a convenient time when you know you do not have any big trips coming up that could affect your ability to heal.


Dr. Tobbia can make several different types of incisions based on the severity of your skin sagging and the location that you would like to treat:

  • Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck): This focuses on tightening the abdominal muscles and removing excess skin. It often addresses stretch marks and can be combined with liposuction for added contouring.
  • Thigh Lift: This aims to reshape the thighs by removing excess skin and fat that may have resulted from weight loss or aging.
  • Buttock Lift: A buttock lift improves the shape of the buttocks and can create a fuller appearance after weight loss, enhancing balance in the figure.
  • Circumferential Lower Body Lift: This is a full wraparound approach that combines all three areas—abdomen, thighs, and buttocks—in one extensive surgical session, ideal for those with significant excess skin around the lower body.

Dr. Tobbia can adjust the layer of connective tissue and muscle beneath your skin (superficial fascial system) for a firmer figure and tighter look. This method allows her to lift the flanks, trunk, and buttocks in one appointment safely for a complete transformation. (3)


Recovery time varies among patients but generally involves several weeks of rest and a gradual return to normal activities. The first few days post-surgery will involve swelling and some discomfort, but prescribed medications will help manage pain effectively.

Most patients can return to sedentary work within two to three weeks. Strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for a minimum of four to six weeks post-procedure. You will be closely monitored during follow-up visits to assess healing and the visual results of the surgery.


After a lower body lift, you can enjoy a refined silhouette and smoother skin that improves your body proportions. Results are also long-lasting if you take good care of your body, exercise regularly, and maintain a stable weight.

Cost of a Lower Body Lift in Hamburg

The cost of your lower body lift will depend on the extent of surgical procedure performed and whether or not you need additional treatments to meet your body goals. Our team can provide an all-inclusive quote during your consultation. Contact our office or call +49 40 46 091 076 to learn more about how a lower body lift can improve your figure and help you meet your goals so you can feel more comfortable in your skin.


What is a lower body lift?

A lower body lift is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and tightens the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, especially after significant weight loss.

What is the difference between a lower body lift and a tummy tuck?

While both procedures aim to rejuvenate the lower body, a lower body lift addresses the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks collectively, while a tummy tuck focuses specifically on the abdominal region.

Can I have a lower body lift if I still plan to lose weight?

We recommend that you are close to your ideal weight before having a lower body lift. Weight changes can stretch your skin further and affect your results. If you have questions about weight loss, we also offer weekly semaglutide weight loss injections, in the form of Ozempic and Munjaro, which we can also discuss during your consultation.

What type of anesthesia is used for a lower body lift?

General anesthesia is used during lower body lifts to ensure complete patient comfort.

How long will the recovery from a lower body lift take?

The recovery from a lower body lift can take several weeks, but it will depend on the amount of excess skin you would like to remove and your specific procedure. After your procedure, we can provide recovery instructions specific to your needs.

What is a buttock lift?

A buttock lift involves reshaping the buttocks by eliminating excess skin and repositioning any remaining tissues. Depending on the desired results, it can involve liposuction combined with skin excision.


  1. Ganceviciene R, Liakou AI, Theodoridis A, Makrantonaki E, Zouboulis CC. Skin anti-aging strategies. Dermato-Endocrinology. 2012;4(3):308-319. doi:https://doi.org/10.4161/derm.22804
  2. American Society of Plastic Surgeons ® Endorsed Partner. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/documents/news/statistics/2023/plastic-surgery-statistics-report-2023.pdf
  3. Lockwood T. Lower body lift with superficial fascial system suspension. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 1993;92(6):1112-1122; discussion 1123-1125. Accessed April 8, 2024. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8234509/