Back Lift

Offered at our convenient location in Hamburg

We all tend to gain weight differently.

This means that fat buildup can happen in different areas of our bodies depending on our unique genetic makeup. For some patients, even modest weight gain can cause fat to build up in the back. This is particularly true in women.

In the upper back this manifests as unsightly folds underneath the bra straps. Alternatively, fat buildup can occur in the lower back and bulge around the waistline. Weight-loss can help to diminish the fat buildup within these back folds. However, irregular unwanted pockets of fat can persist, leaving unwanted contour and, in some cases, additional loose skin folds.

If you have loose, unflattering skin on your back, a back lift will help restore your smooth silhouette and boost your self-confidence. Are you ready to look great in clothes and swimwear again? Dr. Dalia Tobbia is here to help. Contact her office to learn more about the beautiful outcomes of back lift at Klosterstern Plastic Surgery today. 


The concept of a back lift procedure is to reshape and tighten the back with a variety of techniques adapted to each patient. Back lift frequently involves a combination of excess skin removal and liposuction to create a sleek back contour. The incisions used to excise your loose, extra skin will be made in a location where they are well-concealed within the bra line. For patients who have only a modest amount of fat buildup and good skin quality, liposuction alone to targeted areas may be enough to achieve the desired results.

Every back lift is custom-tailored to address the aesthetic goals of the patient. 

If you have subcutaneous fat deposits on your back that refuse to respond to diet and exercise, liposuction can be performed as a stand-alone treatment or combined with back lift. Liposuction is a minimally-invasive fat elimination procedure that requires only a slim cannula and a few tiny, easily-concealed incisions to perform. If appropriate, back liposuction can be performed using the same incisions that will be used to remove excess back fat. 

If you have fat and loose skin that detracts from your upper body, back lift will restore a slim, healthy back contour. 

In order to perform liposuction, Dr. Dalia Tobbia first introduces tumescent fluid into the treatment site. Tumescent fluid will make the fat cells swell up, allowing them to be easily extracted from the body. The fluid also has the benefit of constricting blood vessels, making the process as gentle on the body as possible to help patients achieve a quicker recovery. Once the tumescent fluid has taken effect, Dr. Dalia Tobbia will use the thin cannula to aspirate and extract your frustrating back fat. Dr. Dalia Tobbia will apply her expert technique and artistic eye to achieve a slim, improved back contour. 


Say goodbye to back rolls! Back lift with Dr. Dalia Tobbia will:

  • Eliminate loose, sagging skin on the back
  • Address stubborn fat deposits
  • Restore a tight, smooth shape to the back
  • Reshape your overall body contour
  • Improve the way you look in and out of clothing
  • Help you exercise more comfortably
  • Boost your self-image
  • Be personalized to your goals
  • Require minimal downtime 


Back lift is the ideal solution for patients who have lost significant weight or gained unwanted back fat. You are a perfect candidate for back lift if you have loose, sagging skin along your back or bra line.

If you have fat on your back that refuses to budge, no matter how much you diet and exercise, back lift can help.  

Ideal candidates for back lift surgery are in overall good health and are free of pre-existing conditions that impact their ability to heal or undergo surgery. Back lift candidates should have a positive but open expectation of the outcomes achievable with cosmetic surgery.

Candidates who smoke will be asked to discontinue smoking two weeks prior to and two weeks following their back lift surgery. This is due to the fact that smoking has a blood-thinning effect that can increase post-procedure bleeding and put patients at risk of complications.


Before you consider undergoing any surgical procedure, a physical examination and consultation will take place with our surgical expert. Because each patient is unique, both physically and with regards to aesthetic desires, an individually-tailored treatment plan is formulated based on detailed discussions of the most up-to-date surgical options available. Photographs are taken and diagrams used to explain the procedure in a step-by-step manner, including limitations and possible risks. If you have questions about back lift, please do not hesitate to share them during your consultation. 

The main goal is to provide you with realistic expectations depending on body weight and skin elasticity. Surgery is aimed at trimming away and tightening loose and sagging skin, removing excess fat to give a sleek firm appearing back.

Have questions about Back Lift? We are here to help. Contact Klosterstern Plastic Surgery to learn more today. 


You will be asked to take the following steps prior to your back lift. These preparatory steps help to ensure a healthy surgery and comfortable recovery:

  • Arrange for a ride to and from your back lift surgery
  • Fill prescriptions 
  • Arrange to take one to two weeks off from work
  • Hydrate the week before back lift
  • Start fasting 12 hours prior to your surgery
  • Get a full night’s sleep before your surgery

Surgical Method

We employ the most up-to-date concepts in our surgical techniques. This surgery is indicated in patients who have one or more areas of sagging skin that lack healthy tone or who have asymmetrically localized fat on their back. Contouring procedures are performed under general anesthesia.

The technique applied is based on individual patient parameters and anatomical location.

Accurate preoperative planning is made to suit each individual patient targeting the area that needs to be addressed. A patients’ problem areas may be isolated to the upper or lower back, while other patients may require a full back lift to accomplish their desired result. Incisions are discreetly made so that they can be concealed beneath the bra straps. Through these incisions sagging skin folds are removed and liposuction performed. Meticulous attention-to-detail is applied to ensure even contours and the best possible aesthetic result.

Post Operative Care 

Usually 1-2 drains are placed in incisions to remove excess fluid output for a period of 1-3 days. The wounds are covered with non-stick dressings and wearing a compression garment is advised to provide support for 4-6 weeks. Most sutures used are absorbable and do not require removal. Mobilization after the surgery is possible and even encouraged. Depending on the physical demands of your job, you will be able to return to work within one to two weeks. However, strenuous physical activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for 4-6 weeks.

If you have questions at any point following your back lift surgery, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Dalia Tobbia. We will be with you to make sure you are happy and comfortable, every step of the way!


The back is a beautiful feature. Back lift surgery will redefine your figure, giving you an attractive, smooth silhouette. Your back will be slimmer immediately following your back lift. Your body will accept your new, tight contours with the help of your compression garment over the weeks after your surgery. You will be able to discontinue use of this garment within six weeks. You will observe a smoother, tighter back contour. The results of back lift can continue to slim down and improve for up to six months after your procedure.  

This procedure can accomplish outstanding results, yielding an even and aesthetically-appealing back. If you are frustrated by a loose, flabby back contour, back lift will tighten up your body and help you get back to looking and feeling great!


How much does a back lift cost?

The price of your back lift will depend on the details of your personalized procedure plan. For example, pricing will reflect if your procedure incorporates liposuction with excess skin removal and lift, or if your goals will be achieved with liposuction alone. Once you and Dr. Dalia Tobbia have determined the details of your surgical plan, you will receive a customized cost breakdown.

Is back lift surgery safe? 

Back lift surgery, when performed by a surgical expert like Dr. Dalia Tobbia, is safe. Dr. Dalia Tobbia puts her patients’ health and safety first. Please share the details of your medical history, including current medication and past surgical experience during your private consultation. This will guarantee that your procedure plan is safe and appropriate for you. 

Is back lift surgery painful?

Back lift surgery is not painful! You will receive back lift surgery under general anesthesia, which will keep you completely pain-free. You will be unconscious and monitored by an anesthesiologist throughout the procedure. Following back lift surgery, you will receive instructions regarding approved medications and methods of controlling any post-procedure discomfort.