Congenital Breast Conditions
Offered at our convenient location in Hamburg
Breasts are a distinguishing feature of feminine allure in our culture and therefore any deformity or asymmetry can be psychologically debilitating to women. Accurate diagnosis, counseling and timely treatment are crucial to help alleviate the sense of deformity and optimize aesthetic outcomes.
Commonly Encountered Deformities
Asymmetry Of The Breasts
One breast tends to be small (hypoplastic) or even completely absent.
In addition to this, there can be an associated defect of the underlying muscle, which can contribute to the overall deformity. Therefore giving rise to considerable asymmetry between both breasts (and possibly the chest).
This asymmetry can be corrected by a variety of methods, including breast enlargement with either implant insertion or fat transfer to the smaller breast, also breast reduction and mastopexy of the larger breast or a combination of both may be necessary. If the skin envelope of the smaller breast is limited, then an expander may be inserted to gradually increase the skin dimensions before breast augmentation can be performed.
Tubular Shaped Breasts
Tubular breasts are characterized by an abnormal anatomic shape affecting either one or both breasts. They tend to be conical in shape with large “puffy” nipples. The severity of this deformity determines the complexity of the procedure that needs to be performed. In general the breast tissue needs to be re-shaped and the size of the nipple needs to be reduced. This can be performed with or without additional breast enlargement depending on the desired outcome.
Poland’s Syndrome
This involves a deformity of the chest wall that usually affects only one side.
The spectrum of abnormality can include the complete absence or under-development of the breast in addition to the absence of the underlying Pectoralis Muscle, absence of the nipple and a deformity of the underlying rib cage.
Correction of the deformity is aimed mainly at restoration of breast and chest symmetry by a variety of techniques including breast augmentation with a breast implant or a breast expander followed by fat transfer. But many other surgical procedures are known and for each case an individual treatment plan will be tailored.
Nipple Deformities
Asymmetries of the nipples can either differ in size or position. These can have a dramatic effect on the overall appearance of the breasts. Inverted nipples are a common problem and can occur in either one or both breasts. In addition to being unsightly these can cause mechanical problems with breastfeeding in some patients. Corrections to nipple conditions involve minimal scarring and can be performed in isolation or combined with other breast procedures.
The main goal is to provide you with realistic expectations. The skin incisions and complexity of the procedure chosen depends on the severity of the condition and additional planned enhancements.
Surgical Method
We employ the most up to date concepts in our surgical techniques. Surgery to correct congenital breast conditions is performed under general anesthesia. The technique applied is based on individual patient parameters, anatomical characteristics and severity of condition. In order to achieve symmetry and the best possible aesthetic outcome, both breasts are frequently operated with great attention to detail.
Post Operative Care
After the surgery, the wounds will be covered with non-stick dressings and an elastic bandage or a support bra to hold the breasts in place. Usually two drains are placed. They are removed 1-3 days postoperatively depending on the complexity of the procedure performed. Mobilization after the surgery is possible, however strenuous physical activities and heavy lifting should be avoided during the initial few weeks.